We are a NYCDOE contracted vendor.
Our consulting model focuses on customized approaches to address each school’s specific needs.
We will work with you to create a targeted action plan specifically tailored to your school's goals.
Administrative PL Days
We work closely with school leadership teams to create a clearly defined action plan and monitor progress towards set goals. This may include:
đź”· regular meetings to review school-wide data and student work to identify key instructional prioritiesÂ
🔷 guided learning walks to further develop the leadership team's understandings of best practices for mathematics teaching and learning
đź”·Â one-on-one support for the school's instructional math coachÂ

We work side-by-side with teachers to guide instructional shifts in classroom practice using a variety of structures. This may include:
đź”· plan/co-teach/reflect grade team coaching cycles
đź”·Â 1:1 coaching cycles focused on high leverage practices
đź”· data analysis meetings to inform instruction
🔷 the introduction of protocols for analysis of student work
đź”·Â grade level planning days to develop units of studyÂ
đź”·Â inter-class or inter-school visitations
Math Content and Pedagogy Workshops
We provide grade level or whole school professional development meetings and workshops that:
🔷 integrate both the New York State Next Generation Mathematics Learning Standards and New York City Public Schools Instructional Mathematics Shifts
đź”·Â address specific content strands and the Standards for Mathematical Practice
🔷 use interactive learning experiences to build teacher content and pedagogical knowledge